"I play chess! Life is just a hobby." -Alexandr Fier

quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2009

Alexandr 7th in Itu Rapid Open

Despite being undefeated he only took 7th place in his first tournment of 2009.

1- Sandro Mareco

2- André Diamant

3- Krikor Mekhitarian

4- Everaldo Matsuura

5- Rafael Leitão

6- Edson Tsuboi

7- Alexandr Fier

8- Edson da Cruz Sampaio

9- Felipe El Debs

10- Jefferson Oliveira

domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2009

Who is the best chess Author

Once asked what is his favourithe chess book Alexandr mentioned Artistic Finals by Kasparyan:
