"I play chess! Life is just a hobby." -Alexandr Fier

domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2010

Tough start of year - Now Playing in Campinas


0 - Harikishna (India) 2672
1/2 - Cam Emre (Egypt)
1/2 - Gadir Guseinov (Azerbaijan) 2614
1/2 - Onischuk 2670 (EUA)
0 - GM Banikas 2608 (Greece)
1/2 GM Sargissian 2680 (Armenia)
1/2 GM Postny 2648 (Israel)
1/2 IM Khaled 2468 (Egypt)
1/2 GM Tomashevsky (URSS)

MI Mekhitarian
GM Leitão
MI Saldaño
GM Flores
GM Rodriguez
GM Zambrana
MI Santos
MI Stamenkovic
MI El Debs
Gabriel Name
MI Mareco
MI Matsuura
GM Fier
de Nucci

Round by round info in the exelent blog: http://krikorsm.blogspot.com/

Alexandr starts with: +0 -2 =7

domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2010

2010 starts - World team championship!

Alexandr is Brazilian 3rd board (along with Vescovi, Leitao, Milos, Diamant and Lima).

Results so far:

1/2 - Onischuk 2670 (EUA)
0 - GM Banikas 2608 (Greece)
1/2 GM Sargissian 2680 (Armenia)
1/2 GM Postny 2648 (Israel)
1/2 IM Khaled 2468 (Egypt)
1/2 GM Tomashevsky (URSS)

He starts the year with +0 -1 = 5