"I play chess! Life is just a hobby." -Alexandr Fier

sexta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2014

6th in London FIDE Open

Queen Sacrifice!

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quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2014

First in Imbituba - The famous rook-less game...

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terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2014

Vote for Alexandr!

Before the report of the victory in Imbituba:

Please go to http://www.trofeuguga.sc.gov.br and vote!

sábado, 18 de outubro de 2014

domingo, 12 de outubro de 2014

Massacre in Danmark - XTRACON 2014

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2014

Titanc battle Jobava x Fier - Georgian Team Championship

terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Superb win at Sants (for the second time)!

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Rollercoaster game against GM Blomqvist

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segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2014

Fier in Olympic games

in the words of GM Mekhitarian:

De volta pra casa depois de colaborar com o bom resultado conseguido pelo Brasil na Noruega - 22º lugar entre 177 times, melhorando em 8 posições nosso ranking inicial. Destaque para o Fier, que conseguiu a melhor performance da equipe (http://chess-results.com/tnr140380.aspx?lan=10&art=20&flag=30&wi=821&snr=30).
Mostramos que, apesar de tropeços, fomos capazes de nos recuperar depois de uma conversa no dia livre liderada pelo nosso jogador mais experiente e capitão Gilberto Milos e conseguir 3 vitórias importantíssimas na reta final (Letônia, Eslováquia e Canadá). Não conseguimos o inédito Top 16, mas igualamos a pontuação recorde obtida em 2010 (15/22) - parabéns à equipe Alexandr FierFelipe El DebsRafael Duailibe Leitão, Gilberto Milos e eu - rs!) que lutou incansavelmente e um grande obrigado a todo mundo que torceu nessas últimas duas semanas!

Fim de mais uma Olimpíada! Lutamos, perdemos e ganhamos de times de expressão. No final um resultado justo, 22° lugar no ano em que o número de participantes foi recorde! Um grande abraço a todos que acompanharam e torceram nessa longa caminhada! — with Rafael Duailibe Leitão and 3 others at Tromso Norway.

domingo, 22 de junho de 2014

Dubai 2014 - Despite some good vitories, disapointing results

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quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014

Seconds Nemesis? Victory over GMI Peter Heine Neilsen 2654

After winning GMI Wojtaicek (Anand second) in the World Cup, Alexandr won agains GMI Cheparinov (Topalov second) in Rapid and now in Blitz win against GM Peter Heine Nielsen (both Anand and Carlsen second). Strong draws with Ucranian Super-GMs Elijanov and Vitiugov See the games:
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segunda-feira, 16 de junho de 2014

KO Cheparinov in Word Rapid

Movie - Round 1 - Alex endgame analyzed in 1:00:00

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sexta-feira, 6 de junho de 2014

Fier in Luxembourg!

Alexandr Fier returns, aiming for his 2nd Limburg Open win

5 April 2014
The energetic Brazilian Grandmaster Alexandr Fier has confirmed his participation for the BPB Limburg Open 2014.
Fier, or “No fear” as he is called by his peers, is known for his active and dynamic chess, never avoiding complications.
One of the best examples for his style of play was his draw against top player Michael Adams, a game which rightly won the prize for most interesting game of the tournament and instantly made history as “the pearl of Gibraltar”.

Along with Alexandr Fier, his girlfriend WGM Nino Maisuradze will participate in the A-group as well. She is also building up quite the chess career, including gaining the French national chess title last year.
Limburg Open!

sábado, 24 de maio de 2014

Great comment from GM Alina L`Ami in Chessbase

GMI Fier game in chessbase

The Brazilian GM Fier never ceases to impress in our eyes with his resourceful play; it is always a pleasure to follow his games although, at times, his strategy might to be a bit too risky. Here he played Kd7! The exclamation mark is given for his courage, ambition and lack of any chess taboos. Alexandr just wants to enjoy the game of chess and this worked wonders against the Dutch IM.

quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2014

terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014

domingo, 16 de março de 2014

Trouble in Minsk - Belarus

See Nino Maisuradze description of the troubles there. A shame for such an important city.

In Minsk tournament: Arriving in the airport, visa cost for 2 persons, suprising 360€. Orginizers never prevented us about this and recomended us to get visas in the airport. Next step, arriving in the hotel, receptionist saying: you aren't on the list. Arriving to organizer for feeding money "you aren't on the list". Arriving about plane ticket money, organizer: "you aren't on the list". After 5 days of waiting a stupid organizer saying: oh you look upset. YESSS, I'm UPSET!!! I was waiting organizer to say: oh you aren't on the list, but it's ok, we are going to correct this mistake, but instead she said: come tomorrow and we we'll discuss about. Came on next day, she said, oh come after 2 days, went after 2 days, she said, oh come before the round. Came today before the round, she didn't come, appeared on last minutes and said come after the round. I came after the round, and when I heard the words "tomorrow (!!!!) to discuss" I got mad !!!!!! The idiot organizer to me: oh, you look emotional! YESSSS, I'M EMOTIONALLLL! Then I said that their organisation was bad.. and guess.. she got mad at me :DDDDDDD

sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014

Draw with Armenian Olimpic Champion Vladimir Akopian

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sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2014

Adams x Fier = Best game of Gibraltar!!

Alexandr took 31st place in Gibraltar.

Best game prize against GM Michael Adams.

Draw with super-GM David Navara.

quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2014

Alex draws with former vice-World Champion GM Adams in a sacrificial game.

Commentaries for round 3

Game commented at: 13:12, 1:43:40,2:02:37,2:37:45,3:03:45
Round table at: 4:00:00

terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2014

The Rock! Gibraltar starts...

Alex with Nino Maisuradze and El-Debs plus Nino and Georgian Girls.

domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2014

4th in Basel. First impressive result of the year

GM El Debs 14th
WGM Nino Maisuradze Women`s Championess (40th in final classification)

All Games

Next: The Rock!